Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I600 receipt

In all the puppy excitement - I forgot to post yesterday that I got the receipt (or whatever it is called) from the CIS in HoChiMin City. They have my I600 and all the accompanying papers and will start to review it someday. Of course, they say that they have 60 work days to let me know the status. I'm still praying to know much sooner than that.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Pound Puppies

I got fussed at because I called it a 'pound'. Apparently it is appropriately called a 'shelter'.

Do you realize how long it has been since I had a puppy in my house? My current dog is 16, so that should give you the answer. I had forgotten how much fuss and mess and STUFF goes with puppies. First we went out to get toys and harnesses, then we went back out the next day to get more toys and food, then on Monday I went back a third time to get a playpen and some enzyme cleaner. They are settling in well and the kids are thrilled. They are named Suki (for one of the Avatar characters) and Lego. The first morning we had them, the kids were down on the floor playing with the puppies. The male pup was grabbing everyone's hair and tugging it. The kids were (as he pulled their hair) yelling "Hey, puppy, Leggo, Leggo puppy". So he became Lego.

But these are such good puppies, they will yip and cry for a few minutes when first put in their crate at night, then they settle down. They'll wake around 2 and whine (yip and bark) to go out, but once they do their 'stuff', they come back and settle right back down. Of course, seeing as how they are only 7 weeks old, they are messing in the house if we don't catch them quickly enough.

Took them to the vet yesterday and they were proclaimed healthy. Vet said the boy is going to be BIG but wouldn't venture a guess as to how big. He is close to 7 lbs at 7 weeks and the girlie is 5.5 lbs so she won't be as big.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Halloween houses and insanity

Last weekend A and C decorated their gingerbread Halloween houses - pictures of kids and finished products are shown.

This weekend I went insane.

Some background info. Until recently, we had three dogs; a Shepard mix, a Skye Terrier and a Silky Terrier. The Shepard and Skye were my Moms and moved in with us 10 years ago when she moved in after Daddy died. They were both around 1 at the time. I had the Silky only as I had lost my Shepard mix about 6 months earlier. Well, when Mom Passed on 3 years ago, I inherited her dogs. We lost the Shepard last Christmas when she got up on the kitchen counter, drug off on un-opened 2 lb bag of semi-sweet chocolate morsels. We knew she would get up on the counters after food, but never thought she could pull something from the very back, nor that she would have any interest in an unopened bag. Anyway, unfortunately, she didn't survive. The Skye we had to have put to sleep several months ago. She had cancer and had had it for 4 years or so and it finally got the better of her. I knew I wanted another dog, but was hesitant about getting one while the Silky was still alive. He is 16 years old and is deaf and blind, also incontinent and a pain in the heinie. I also didn't want to get new puppies just before I left for Vietnam for my son.

So, I got looking on the Internet on Friday at one of the Pet Finder sites and saw a couple of 3 month old Shepard pups. I was sorta interested and thought we'd go by and check them out - not really planning on getting one, just checking them out. Well, we couldn't find the shelter when we went to skating lessons so we went ahead and ran some errands. Decided to stop by and check out the local shelter (we live over the county line from where I'd seen the Shepard pups). It was about 30 minutes to closing, we went in and the guy said they didn't have any puppies, I'd said I wanted a puppy since I had cats and was concerned about getting an older dog. We went back to look anyway and there was a cage with a sign that said "Labrador Mix puppies - about 7 weeks old". To make a long story short. See the pictures below.

So now we have not one - but two - 7 week old lab mix puppies. They don't have names yet, although K is calling the little girl "Bramble". A wants to call the little boy "White Paw" because the toes of each foot are white, but I don't care for that name. Truthfully, I don't care for "Bramble" either and am calling her "Bumble" in an attempt to get K to change it, but so far no go. The little girl is a little over 5 lbs and the boy is about 6.5 lbs. K fell in love with the runt and since she was one of the only 2 smooth coats, we ended up with her. The Silky doesn't care except when they gang up on him and try to play and the cats are suspicious and insulted.

So far (after less than a day) the kids are good about taking the pups out side and playing with them. I only hope it stays that way once the novelty wears off.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Good and the Bad

The Bad -- Woke up this morning and went to put an ice cube tray in the freezer, noticed that the other ice cube trays were not frozen. Wondered for a minute what was going on as I was the first one up and none of the kids would EVER refill an ice cube tray without a lot of prompting. Then noticed that a couple of popsicles were juce - AAAAAAA (primal scream) freezer wasn't freezing. Yelled at the kids to come help and started transporting stuff to the big freezer in the garage. Checked the refridgerator section - ah sh*t, that one was warm. Emptied that out and put all that stuff in the garage freezer. I think I'll have to toss some chicken that I was thawing for tonight's dinner, and I'm not sure how the milk will be after being frozen - that may have to go too, but all in all, didn't loose that much.

Repair/buy? Spent some time today checking out prices of new units. To replace what I have, only getting energy Star - which they didn't have in '92 when I bought this one - would cost almost $1000. To repair will cost around $500 and that only if it is the compressor that has gone out. Since all my money is slated for the last payment on the adoption and the trip itself, I choose repair and hope it will last for a couple of years. I'll know on Friday, in the mean time, I cranked up the temp dials and it is cool enough for butter and cheese.

The good - heard from one of the other parents with my agency who got a referral before 9/1. There were 3 of us, two singles and one couple. The other single is adopting an 8 year old girl and I have the 7 year old boy. The couple is adopting a one year old girl. TW, the other single, got an email from the representative in Vietnam. Our I600's went to CIS today!!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Paper, paper and more paper

I had been told that my I600 would be on it's way to HCMC this weekend, but it was not to be. I got an email from the agency's VN representative this morning, that CIS wanted an additional piece of paper from Dat's orphanage that they usually don't want (she said "that Vietnamese partner never does ") and additionally asked me to send her the email I received from the agency with all the attachments when I got my Official Referral. Then she was going to go back to the orphanage and get the additional form - something about no one wanting to adopt him domestically. I just hope that will all the additional papers she has had to provide to the CIS - that when they finally do get my I600 it's a short turn-around. This is the second or third time that CIS has asked for something extra - that usually isn't provided - so I know that they have seen the file, or at least somehow been through it, so it shouldn't take so long for them to do the review once it is officially submitted. We can always hope anyway. I really want to go before Christmas!!

Friday, October 10, 2008


I have 30 more minutes of peace and quiet, then the school bus will pull up to the drive and there will be no more quiet until next Friday, when once again, I work from home and the kids are at school. (LOL)

I just found out that my I600 should be sent to HCMC by Monday (She said next Monday but I hope she meant Monday the 13th). Then I will wait for the acknowledgement from the CIS and pray for a short turn-around to approval. If God wills, I can still make it there and back before Christmas.

I made a deal with my son. He is dyslexic and hates to read. I am lazy and hate to exercise. I desperately need to loose some weight. He really needs to practice reading. So I made him a deal. I am going to start walking to a CD that I bought several years ago (and never opened) and he can read to me while I walk. If I don't walk, he doesn't have to read. He is supposed to read 15 minutes a day and it is a battle to get him to do it, hopefully this will be an encouragement for me to walk and for him to read without fighting.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Hard Knocks

Ever known someone who seemed to HAVE to do everything the hard way? Someone who can’t learn from other’s experiences but has to learn from their own experience? Well I have one of those as my middle kid. She was 7 years, 9 months old when I adopted her from China and had been in the orphanage since she was around 3. I don’t know how much of her being this way is pure personality and how much is her orphanage experience (or lack there of). C has seen me help her sister study for tests and occasionally even asks me to quiz her. But as she gets older (11 this past June) she is becoming more and more the ‘know it all’. She doesn’t have to read instructions – she knows how to do it! When I try to tell her how to do something, she looks at me as if I was speaking some strange language or like she is just tolerating my speaking, but not really listening. She is the one I really worry about becoming a teenager. If she is this hard-headed and know it all at 11, she will be a danger to herself when she is 15. Anyway, she had a test on Friday, the teacher had given them all study guides and even gave them an extra day to prepare. The teacher is really good about emailing parents about tests and other stuff so I knew she was having the test. I had asked her if she wanted me to help her study – “no, mama, the test isn’t until Friday – I have plenty of time”. Well she failed the test (along with most of the class). I asked her why she didn’t ask for help studying, her reply ‘I knew it so I didn’t have to study’. Yeah, kid, you knew it so well, you failed the test. Maybe she will learn and ask for help the next time --- but I’m not holding my breath. This one is going through the school of hard knocks.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Money Pit

Wasn't there a movie by that title a LONG time ago? Well, I have decided that kids are the real money pits (lol). The other day was "Fair Day" for our ISD, so, of course, where did the kids want to go? You got it -- to the State Fair. I've always liked the fair so it wasn't a hardship for me to take off work to take the kids. We got there about 11 am and sat in line for 20 minutes to get into the parking lot. Last year I had missed the turn in and then found an odd little lot by a back gate and a rail-road to park. Don't remember what it cost, but it was less than the $10 it cost to park in the 'official' lot. Unfortunately, that parking lot was behind a bunch of buildings and not in a good area and I felt very uncomfortable walking to the fair so I decided to go official this year. The kids had tickets that the school had given them so I didn't have to pay for their tickets or I couldn't have afforded it at all. My ticket cost $14. Granted, I could have gotten one in a grocery store for $1 to $1.5 less, but I didn't think of it and didn't see any the last time I went grocery shopping. I did remember from last year that everything in the park cost tickets - not money (except the stuff in the shopping areas) and the price of tickets was the same as I remembered it. So we did a bit of shopping, had lunch (2 sausage on a stick. a small drink and one turkey leg for $22). Then the kids wanted to ride some rides. Aidan had loved the sky lift (or something like that) the cable-car like ride from one end of the Midway to the other so we headed over there. They wanted 14 tickets per person - that's $7 per person! I don't remember it being nearly that much last year - maybe I'm just getting old and forgetful but $7 for a short ride? Ridiculous!!! We walked, needed the exercise anyway. Rides in the midway were 10 tickets - $5 per ride! I had bought the kids each $10 worth of tickets (like I did last year) and expected they'd get some 3 or 4 rides for that price - not this year, no way! We did find some rides for more like 8 tickets and I bought each one more tickets so they did get their 4 rides but boy was it expensive. On the way out, we wanted something cold to drink - the weather was wonderful this year, warm but not too hot. Last year we melted and this was a lot more comfortable, but we still wanted something cold. So I bought still MORE tickets and STILL didn't have enough for a drink for each of us. We were there for 5 hours, I spent over $200. Kids still wanted to ride more rides and wanted more junk to eat and I didn't play the balloon pop or water race games that I usually do because I always end up spending much more than I plan because, of course, each child has to have a medium-size stuffed animal and I pay a lot for them. This time I held firm and didn't play as I am TRYING to save money for the trip to Vietnam. I think the kids enjoyed them selves even without all the junk (food and toys) but I'm wondering if I will be able to afford to even go the fair next year. I need another job.