First time on a baby roller-coaster, first time on a mini-ferris wheel, first time on a tram-train and first time in a bumper car. I think the bumber cars won the prize as the most fun of all as he wanted to stay on and managed to get Hang to agree to a second ride.
After we got back to the hotel, we went out to lunch at a new restarunt, then did a little bit of shopping before buying our favorite noodles and returning to the room for the afternoon. This has been our pattern and it seems to be working. After breakfast we do something, then eat lunch, maybe shop a bit more, then get noodles and return to the room. Aidan does his school work and we eat dinner when we get hungry, then bed. This way we don't spend all day in the room and we get back in before it gets really hot, but A gets his TV time in. It is also cheaper for poor mommy as meals, while not really expensive, have been costing me $20 to $30 a meal. We have got to have more than fried rice every meal and since we aren't eating in the sidewalk eateries it is more expensive than I thought it would be.
A lot of the trees around here have these huge bean pods and A is fascinated by them. He finally found a pod, and even though it was empty, is bringing it back for 'show and tell' at school.
And finally I will leave you with a picture of 'couch potates' wherein A is indulging in his love of cartoons and Dat is trying to make up for a lifetime lacking in TV cartoons.
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