Friday, February 6, 2009


Got a call the night before last. Agency called - Vietnam rep had emailed and said province wanted me there for the G&R on the 12th of Feb. I said they've got to be kidding - as much as I want to go get this child, I couldn't leave on two days notice, don't have my Visa, kids have to be shipped out, dogs set up in kennel, tickets bought etc. Requested a delay until the 24th or 25th. They agreed. So now I am making list upon list of things I have to do, shopping for airline tickets and finding a hotel.
looks like I will be leaving on the 20th or 21st and returning on the 8th or 9th. Too much to do between now and then.
Visas, Tickets; hotel reservations; DS games for A for plane; new power cord for DVD player for A for plane (puppies chewed last one); small backpack with toys for S; couple of outfits for S; talk to A's teacher for school work for him to take; legal guardianship for the girls so the people they are staying with can take them to the Dr's if necessary; what do the schools need so friends can pick up girls etc while I am gone.

So many things to take care of

So little time . . . . .


Joan said...

Wow!!!! Just breath... it will all work out! My prayers are with you.

SueCQ said...

YEAH!!! So happy for you!! When I first started reading, I got all excited thinking that our trips might overlap (we're in Hanoi right now with our son), but then I realized that 2 days notice isn't quite enough time!! We had almost 4 weeks and I felt as though I was pinched for time! So, although I'm sorry we won't meet up in Hanoi, I'm thrilled for you that your call finally came! Congratulations!!

Nancy said...

Yeah, Terri! Two days notice! Are they for real! But don't you just love the hurry up and wait to hurry up again. Sheez!

I will be thinking about you. Can't wait to see photos!
