Still friction between Dat and A. A is settling down and sometimes plays really nice until something annoys him, then he trys to stand in front of Dat so he can't see the TV, or takes over the computer in the guise of 'helping and showing him how'. Had to talk to the girls today, they have become so protective of Dat that they are trying to keep A away. A sat in one of the computer chairs right behind Dat this afternoon when I was out walking dogs. There were two chairs and A took the one Dat had been using so Dat started whining and flapping his arms. A was also playing phone ringtones and holding the phone to Dat's ear and Dat didn't like it. Unfortunately all Dat does is whine and flap his arms/hands. The girls told me that A was being mean to Dat and said this is what he was doing. I had a long talk to them as they hadn't said anything to A to get him to stop, but let it go on until I was home, then told me. I wish I knew how to handle it, K did the same thing when I brought C home and now A and C are always at one another's throats. I do not want the girls to turn the boys against each other and I am afraid that is what this scenario is leading up to. Dat will feel free to do things to A, thinking the girls will protect him and A will feel so left out that he will be trying to come up with new things to do to Dat rather than joining forces with him. A already has some self-esteem issues due to his dyslexia and this could just add to it. I think I also see parenting classes in my future.
Went to a new Vietnamese supermarket after a lunch of Dim Sum. Got a LOT of noodles and some other things for comfort food for Dat. Other kids picked out some treats too.
Tomorrow we will celebrate C's 4th adoption day then I go back to work on Monday. I'll have to take off at noon to take Dat to the dentist but at least I'll show my face for a while.
Dat told the ladies at the nail shop that he gets noodles for breakfast, then we eat lunch out and he wished I'd let him eat noodles for dinner but I don't. I bought several different frozen dinners that were noodle dishes or rice dishes in order to give him some variety. He doesn't want variety but I don't think I want him to eat noodles 3 meals a day. He likes fried chicken (strips, nuggets), french fries, barbecue ribs, fruit, ice cream, Chinese rice soup (congee). Only thing I have given him that he didn't eat was quesidillas. Too much cheese I guess.
His comprehension is getting better every day although he still isn't trying to speak english. I picked up a toddler learning CD and he loves it. Was playing the musical instruments and la-la-laing along with the music. Was really cute. He still isn't affictionate, but that is cultural as well as not knowing us well enough yet. Turns into a board when I try to hug him - doesn't pull away, but is a board. Will stand next to me, slightly leaning on me and will let me rub his back or put my arm around him if K isn't around. Isn't quite as stiff with K, but still doesn't hug her back. He has bonded to her and is her shadow. She asked me the other day if I was upset that he'd bonded to her. I said of course not, as long as he bonds with someone in the family, the rest will eventually come along. If he didn't bond with anybody, I'd be concerned, but not otherwise. He does look at me for approval?, permission?, I'm not sure what, sometimes when with her so I'm sure to give him a thumbs up and a big smile when he does. This is what I saw the other night when I walked into the living room:

That is Suki between K's feet and Pumpkin on C's lap. Of course, mean mommy woke them up and sent them to bed - even though it was only about 8:30pm.
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