Sunday, October 12, 2008

Paper, paper and more paper

I had been told that my I600 would be on it's way to HCMC this weekend, but it was not to be. I got an email from the agency's VN representative this morning, that CIS wanted an additional piece of paper from Dat's orphanage that they usually don't want (she said "that Vietnamese partner never does ") and additionally asked me to send her the email I received from the agency with all the attachments when I got my Official Referral. Then she was going to go back to the orphanage and get the additional form - something about no one wanting to adopt him domestically. I just hope that will all the additional papers she has had to provide to the CIS - that when they finally do get my I600 it's a short turn-around. This is the second or third time that CIS has asked for something extra - that usually isn't provided - so I know that they have seen the file, or at least somehow been through it, so it shouldn't take so long for them to do the review once it is officially submitted. We can always hope anyway. I really want to go before Christmas!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad they were able to provide you with that information. At least you know it is being worked on. It helps a great deal when they keep you in the loop about it. Here's to hoping for this week!

I keep hoping as well that all the additional paperwork is going to equal a quick turnaround. Miracles DO happen at Christmas.