Sunday, January 11, 2009

I'm Back - Happy 2009

Apologies to those who have been watching my blog, hoping for an update or some good news. Well there isn't any. By way of explanation, the time from Thanksgiving to Christmas has always been my favorite time of year, but the last couple haven't been so good. We lost a beloved family pet last year, right before Christmas when she somehow managed to get to some chocolate that had been pushed way back behind some stuff on the kitchen cabinet (we were baking and had left it there thinking it was safe, to be used the next day), my brother and sister have figuratively pushed me out of the family and aren't talking to me and I have no clue why and the Vietnam adoption stuff didn't come together as I hoped. And finally, I couldn't decorate like I love to because the horrible little monsters (HLM) aka puppies tore everything up, so I was, while not really depressed, seriously bummed.

We had an OK holiday season and the kids didn't seem to notice that mommy wasn't up to snuff so they had a good Christmas. I'll do a synopsis of the holidays, but in a couple of posts so it isn't a mile long.

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