Friday, February 27, 2009

Honeymoon is over

It took less than two days and the honeymoon is already over. Dat copies everything A does and A gets tired of it. It doesn't help that Dat doesn't understand when A tells him to leave something of his alone. Dat doesn't understand to be careful of stuff so he has managed to squash two of A' s paper airplanes. He didn't mean to do it, but he got carried away and landed on the plane when he jumped to catch it. A also gets upset when Dat doesn't do what he wants. He doesn't seem to understand that Dat doesn't understand what he says. When he is in the position of helping Dat, showing him something or hanging on to him when we cross a street (very dangerous thing here in Hanoi), he is a wonderful big brother. But then we get back to the room and A wants to lie down on the small couch but Dat wants to sit next to him, well, then A gets a bit miffed and pushes him away. Right now they are in the shower and A is helping Dat. Dat obviously has never showered, bathed yes, showered, no. It is very funny to watch. Dat keeps sitting down and squeals when the water is turned on.

We walked to the lake this morning and ate lunch at the Kangaroo cafe. On the way back, we got noodle cups for dinner. For some reason, I am not as adventurous with food here as I was in China, maybe because Chinese food is more familier to me and maybe because, this trip, I am here by myself, if I get sick, there is no one here to help with the boys. We have eaten with Hang a couple of times and the food is very good, but by ourselves we tend to go to a hotel around the corner that also caters to european and adoptive families. There are a couple of other resturants we have passed that I would like to try, but I have no interest in eating at any of the little sidewalk eateries that are all over.

We have seen a lot of beggers the last couple of days too. I feel sorry for them - people with arm and leg difference - in the states they would be whatever they wanted to be, but here they are reduced to being beggers. However, I know better than to give them anything. The guys selling lighters and wallets, the ladies selling pinapples and bananas, the guys with the cycle tours, the guys wanting to shine my shoes are really becomming annoying too, if I tell them 'No thank you' and keep walking, they will call out to Dat, I don't know what they say, but he turns around to talk to them and I have to keep my arm around him and push him on.

We've now been on all the streets that are labled as 'shopping streets' in the immediate vicinity of the hotel. They all seem to sell the same things. I haven't seen any different or unique items yet. I hope that where ever we go with Hang tomorrow and on the tour sunday we find some stuff I want to buy. Otherwise I'll get the Ao dias for the girls, a few Chinese dresses for a friend and a few of the neat jewelery boxes and be done with it. I was hoping to find a jade pendant in whatever animal was 2001, but haven't seen anything like that around. Pearls and some jade bracelets and ear rings, but no zodiac animal pendants. Seen a few cloisone bracelets but not a lot of variety. I was also hoping to find some stuff with dragons but haven't seen any of that either.

Hotel is trying to get me to sign up for a two day, overnight trip to HaLong bay, but I'm not going to do it, we'll stick with the one day tour that I wanted to do. I need to call the SOS clinic and embassy on Monday to see if they will let me do the SOS stuff on Wednesday before I get Dat's passport and the timing just isn't going to fit with a two day trip.


Nancy said...

Terri, while I have never adopted a child over the age of 2, I did find that the most difficult adjustments was with the same sex adoption. I think that what the boys are going through is very normal and will improve once the girls are in the picture.

I just hope that for the rest of the trip A can handle things. It does sound like he is trying hard, but it is tough to gain a shadow.

Good luck finishing out the next week.


Mrs. Ramsey said...

Aidan, I am sorry you are having a hard time with Dat. Remember, right now he is like a baby, you can not look at a baby and say "leave me alone" because a baby hasnt learned to talk or understand words yet...the baby would just keep doing that same thing it was already doing. Dat is like a baby in a big body, he is a baby of English because he doesnt know English yet, so you have to wait for him to learn it just like you wait for a baby to learn to talk. He will soon learn words and you will be able to tell him that you do not want to play. I know it is hard but it will get better! Our class is enjoying reading about you and your new brother. I have shown the class the pictures of you two playing. We miss you and cant wait for you to come back! Maybe you can write us a message back so we can read it in class? Talk to you later! Mrs. Ramsey

Linh said...

Your hotel should be able to send someone with you to the market to find jewelry. Vietnamese generally do not wear jewelry with zodiac symbols although we do use almost the same zodiac except water buffalo replaces the ox and the cat replaces the rabbit. Wearing zodiac symbols is a western phenomenon...or romanticism. But traditionally much loved little girls wear jade bangles and gold hoops and little boys will wear a gold bangle or chain necklace.

Linh said...

You might also try the "Hanoi Costco" as I like to call it. Sometimes the markets can be overwhelming and with kids and folks hassling you, it's worth the cab ride to shop in peace.

It's a nice break to experience check out lines and UPC codes (with set prices)! Plus you can stock up on coffee and tea that's already nicely packaged, staples like bottled water and snacks (boys eat so much!), and more.